Compassion, Dedication,
and Clinical Excellence
Fastest way to get ahold of us is through text but feel free to call as well!
Serving All of Central Arkansas
Same-Day Appointments Available
Accepts Most Major Insurances
50+ Years of Combined Experience
Arkansas Family Medicine is the leading primary health care provider for all of Central Arkansas. We offer a full range of comprehensive and compassionate primary care services for ages 5 and up.
Same-day appointments are available. We also offer FREE Wi-Fi and accept most major insurance plans. We have more than 50 years of combined experience. To schedule an appointment with us, call (501) 725-7919 or use our online form.
Arkansas Family Medicine offers Covid-19 rapid testing that produces results in just 15 minutes. Same-day appointments are available.
If you're suffering from a chronic disease and you need effective containment techniques and management services, get in touch with us.
Arkansas Family Medicine provides thorough physicals for school, work, travel or DOT transportation. Schedule an appointment today.
Count on Arkansas Family Medicine to provide immediate medical attention and care for any minor illness.
Arkansas Family Medicine was established in 2017 by Dr. Alison Richardson, who received her medical degree in 2001 from the University of Missouri in Kansas City. Armed with her 24 years of experience in the medical profession, she aimed to start a medical care center that could provide the people of the region with prompt and high-quality primary care at affordable prices. She takes a keen interest in family planning and the improvement of women's health.
Our local, family-owned medical center is also associated with the American Medical Association, the Arkansas Medical Society, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Please understand that communications on this site are not private or secure and may be accessed by anyone including unauthorized individuals. For that reason, you should not post protected health information, which includes information about your treatment, or other sensitive information on this site. Also be aware that by posting on this site, you might be identifying yourself as a patient of this practice. If you wish to discuss protected health information, treatment or sensitive information, please contact us directly at 501-725-7919 to protect your privacy.
This site should NEVER be used to communicate urgent or emergent situations. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 or seek treatment at the nearest hospital. If you have a medical question, please contact our office at (501) 725-7919.
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